Todd Liebenow and Dale VonSeggen at One Way Street (They're the ones in the middle without their mouths wide open.)
I've been looking forward to this meeting for a while. It's not often you get to meet people who've spent more time than me using puppets to reach kids. But ministry is definitely what One Way Street is all about. And I've been praying they'd be excited about the ministry of Imagin'Air.
And they were. (If you've ever seen Imagin'Air's videos you've seen a lot of One Way Street puppets including Captain Bob, Madge, Howard Ino and the Neat Beat America back up singers.)
Our meeting was to look at how to streamline the process of getting new teams to Europe with Imagin'Air. We're looking at a partnership that would make it easy for teams to get the puppets and the training they need for doing Imagin'Air.
Dale started the ministry years ago, and Todd is their new products manager. Together we looked through the Imagin'Air materials and then took a tour around the production center to look at some new puppets and stages.
Nothing was decided, but I think we all left the meeting with a sense that God was ready to do something through us working together. Dale has a very busy travel schedule this summer with interns, workshops, etc. We'll get back together this fall and to look at the details.
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