Reflection: Learning from one another
0 Comments Published by Durand on Friday, July 21, 2006 at 2:30 PM.

The time here in the States is really valuable for me. I'm meeting some amazing folks whose hearts are for God and for the Church. Church planting is definitely alive and well in the USA.
I had a great time with Jay Pathak yesterday from Arvada Vineyard. Turns out he oversees all the church planting going in in the midwest for the association. And I can see why.
Nothing fires me up more than to see someone with vision for reaching into the lives of people in need of the Savior. We talked a lot about churches and church plants, but the part of the conversation that really sticks with me is when I asked how he describes the process.
He said it was actually dead boringly simple.
A three question quiz.
Are you crazy-in-love with Jesus, and I mean head over heels in love. Do you have the kind of love that sort of distracts your thoughts from other things because he's the best thing that ever happend to you. That's step one.
Step two. Do you love people that belong to Jesus in a deep and committed way that you find yourself going out of your way to serve them, and put the needs of the community above yourself?
And finally, do you love people that don't belong to him so much that you'll do whatever it takes to help them hear the gospel in a way that makes sense to them and see that the gospel lived out in front of them?
You can do the most amazing programs and campaigns on the planet, but without the lifeblood that springs from loving God, his family and those whom he loves, they'll fail ultimately.
Interestingly enough, if you do have these three characteristics in your fellowship, it doesn't really matter much what program you use. People will still want what you have.
Can't wait to meet the church on Sunday.
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