Reflection: Church for the left out and right brained
0 Comments Published by Durand on Friday, July 14, 2006 at 10:27 AM.

Anyone who knows me is aware that I've done a lot of thinking about what it means to be a truly witnessing fellowship. I sort of thought of myself as one who's usually thinking outside the box for helping the church extend their influence outside the sanctuary walls.
I've really been stretched these past weeks in my thoughts about church. On Sunday evenings we get a chance to be part of Anna and Matt's church called (get ready) Scum of the Earth. They admit right up front that they aren't a church for everyone. Their heart is for the left out and the right brained.
There's nothing flashy about Scum. They offer a free potluck meal before the service where the homeless are served first. They sing, pray, preach and even take up an offering like most churches (except for the KFC buckets used to take up the offering.)
There are a lot of rough edges and plenty for people to criticize. Most of the leadership are still in their 20's. But they long for God with the passion of those who admit they're desperate for him. They teach the scriptures with a desire not to compromise. And they strive to know God intimately, to be a community of faith and to make a difference in their world.
When I see God using this church in feeding and clothing people the rest of the world has forgotten, rescuing lives I'd have given up on and giving lonely people hope in Christ and a real family to be part of, I realize I've got a lot to learn about church from Scum of the Earth.
PS. See a feature on CBS News did at Scum looking at the emerging church by clicking here.
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