As we share our journey this year, we'd love to hear from you. I'm intentionally mixing up posts that talk about family, about ministry, about spirituality and even mix in a few pieces of news to celebrate what God's doing.
I read yesterday that only 1% of bloggers create content. Another 10% interact. The rest just watch. I've just put a new tab at the top of the blog to tell friends about the blog easily. I'd love to hear questions and comments from you, our partners and get a bit of a dialog going so that we can learn from each other. Just click on comments and let me know what you're thinking!
So far, people have emailed me but not made comments. I'm tempted to take the email me tab off the page but I'll keep it for the moment. I also put a counter on two days ago. Looks pretty bare at the moment.
I look forward to hearing from you, and hope that if you enjoy what you're reading you'll tell a friend with the tab at the top of the page.
- Reflection: Learning from one another
- Prayer ePostcard for July and August 2006
- Reflection: our church is homeless
- Real Life: A place to call home
- Reflection: Church for the left out and right brained
- Real Life: Discovering America
- Relationships and Real Life: Our first week in the...
- Real Life: The adventure begins
- Laura's Graduation
- Reflection: “I’m writing your name down...”

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