Relationships and Real Life: Our first week in the USA
0 Comments Published by Durand on Thursday, July 13, 2006 at 11:17 AM.

Originally posted June 20, 2006
We’re really here. It’s been a good first week spending time with family and getting some business taken care of. It was a good place to start. We needed to find a car, get insurance, have our drivers’ licenses renewed, get contacts and lots of other mundane but essential things. Being in a place I’m familiar with has really helped speed up the process.
Then over the weekend we were in Decatur, AL with our friends at First Bible Church. The folks there are so supportive of us and our ministry. The two of us got to do some special music with their musicians for the morning service and we had a gathering in a home afterwards.
My dad goes into the hospital tomorrow for prostate surgery so we’re back in Birmingham. My folks have had their share of illnesses and hospitalizations, and I’m glad that for once I can help share the load it puts on the rest of my family when one of them needs assistance.
Laura’s already flown out to Denver. All three sisters are living in the same small one bedroom apartment along with Matt. Three are working and Laura started her job search today. Can’t wait to get there to settle in so Emilie can share our apartment with us.
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