Some folks thought we hopped on the plane to Europe and hijacked it toward Jupiter or some far away planet never again to be heard from. NOT TRUE.
We're actually in Germany and are back at our old house for the moment. Since there's no internet there, I've realized my idea of roughing it now includes no broadband. But with only a couple of months planned here before heading to Ireland, the cost of a new broadband contract means I'll get on line a few times a week to do more than email.
We're glad to be back, but it's a little bit strange. The girls are fine back in the US, but as we go through the boxes to prepare for a move, we find a million things to remind us of them. And as well, being in Germany while really heading for Ireland feels more like a long lay-over than being back home.
This week I had the chance to play for an outreach at the Connexion Cafe, a youth hangout sponsored by the local German evangelical church. Then this weekend I'll be playing in a different venue for the same church as they're doing a week-long series of meetings for the town of Kandern to help explain the Gospel. This week-end I'm brushing off my almost non-existent German because I've got to sing two of the four songs "auf Deutsch" (in German.)
All in all, we're really amazed at how well God has cleared the way for this return to Ireland. It'll be great to look back when we finally arrive.
More to come another day.

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