OK, so we're busy. But with only a few weeks left before returning to Europe (that's right...weeks!) we're trying to make the most of the time.
New Orleans:
Backing up to almost two weeks ago, we reconnected with our two partnering churches in the New Orleans area. It was encouraging and heart-breaking at the same time, seeing the devastation still left from Katrina, but realizing that the churches there are really taking on the challenge of bringing hope to the area, both physically and spiritually. If you feel compelled to help these churches in any way, please go to their websites and learn how.
Fellowship Bible Church, Metairie, LA
Faith Bible Church, Slidell, LA
(PS. We also got a chance to revisit the French Quarter, and have a coffee and beignet before heading out of the area!)Pensacola:
On our way back to Birmingham, we spent half a day with Gary and Beth Hodges, future coworkers with us in Ireland who are still raising support to head to Europe. They are gifted musicians, but more than that; they are skilled worship leaders and trainers for others desiring to help the church experience intimacy with God in worship. Read a little bit about them on their blog by clicking here.Atlanta:
While Ruth stayed in Birmingham to finish her article for the coming Hope for Europe publication, I went to spend 2+ days in my good friend Jimmy Dominy's basement, affectionately known as Juke Joint Jimmy's to begin recording a 10-song CD to be released later this year. Talk about fun. The big problem was balancing the non-stop guitar playing and singing with trying not to fall asleep from all the food Jimmy's wife Kricky kept feeding me!What a joy to finally start this project that has been on my heart for over 7 years. Of course most of the music still needed to be written 7 years ago... so maybe the timing was perfect. Thanks so much Jimmy. I'm encouraged like I've not been in years. Also thanks in advance to the Fellowship Bible Church worship gang in Roswell. I'm sure Jimmy will be dragging most of you down to the basement sooner than later to add to the music.
Monday (yesterday), Ruth and I used our frequent flyer miles to come see Anna and Matthew. It's good to say hello and will be hard to say goodbye. God's grace is what makes both possible.
We're planning on celebrating her graduation a bit early on Thursday, since she's only got 4 credits to do this summer to finish officially. She's an amazing young lady and we're as proud of her as ever.
- Emilie is TWENTY!
- A cross between Rumplestiltskin and Frankenstein
- Paddy's Day Cajun Style
- Recording a new album!
- March-April 2007 Update
- Not just another day at the (doctor's) office
- Partnering in ministry taken to the next level
- Update from City Gates in Dublin
- Two conferences are better (at least busier) than one
- Take a look at some of our events

Hey Durand,
Good news about the album! Hope it goes well. One day I'll get everything set the way I like here and will start on another album here too.
...too bad I couldn't help you with this one.