Two conferences are better (at least busier) than one
0 Comments Published by Durand on Monday, February 26, 2007 at 5:04 AM.

We've been living double lives this weekend. Oak Mountain PCA and Covenat PCA (both in Birmingham, AL) chose the same date for their conferences. We've been partnering with both of these churches from the beginning and didn't want to miss the chance to celebrate with them, so we're fitting as many events as possible into the same short time.
We've probably talked enough (and eaten enough) for two lifetimes in a single weekend. I also got the chance to play with some incredible musicians last night at Covenant for the service.Another joy is reconnecting with friends who serve in other places around the world. I first met the speaker at Covenant's conference when he was one of my hyperactive junior high students back when I was a youth pastor. Tim Simpson and his family have been serving in Kazakstan.
We're privileged to be able to represent folks that really honor the Lord and his Word by committing to actively sharing him throughout the world.
It's 7:15am and I've already got to run to meet and eat more food. (I feel a diet coming on...)
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