Catching up on a blog is a bit artificial. After all this was meant to be a view of the journey along the way. Still, November has been a very busy month for us. Here are the highlights.
Church missions conference in Huntsville, Alabama (one of the few churches where rocket scientists are used to build the church... ha! Actually a bunch of the members actually do work for NASA there in the Space Center.) The folks were warm and appreciative. Got to meet Ron Snyder from the church who is in charge of a Christian print house. It's always good to talk with others who are working in similar areas for the sake of the Gospel.
Then we spent time with family in Birmingham before heading back to Denver. The nieces and nephews are all following the Lord. That's a wonderful encouragement for all of us. My brother Greg continues to rekindle his passion for art and has really been busy. He's got some amazing portraits using a highly technical style of pencil drawing. Detail like you rarely see. So cool. He even did a portrait of my other brother from when he was little. Mom shutters as she can almost see the little spark in his eye come out of the drawing that usually meant he was up to something...
A week in Denver to catch up, get snow tires, etc and then off to Chicago (Wheaton actually) to see Laura. A special gift enabled us to see our girl during her first semester in school. It was great to reconnect, talk, laugh, meet friends and feel a part of her life there.
Since then, we've been in Denver. I had a great chance to meet with a guy we've gotten to know that goes to our Sunday AM church named Josh Wilson. He's amazingly talented. He heads up the media work for the church, directs the sound/AV team, plays drums at least twice a month for worship, sings, writes, and is in the middle of his schooling at the film school in Denver. He's working to establish an organized missions committee for the church and has been overseas many times on short term teams as well as having lived in Switzerland with his family for a year during his teens.
The reason I'm going on like that, is when we had lunch a couple of weeks ago, he was ready to make plans to work with CreativeWorks. Probably only a short term project this summer, but with a view to joining us in 2008 after school. That will be awesome. He's starting German next semester.
Which leads me to us. We've started studying German on our own. It's got to happen and the sooner the better. Granted it's only via computer at the moment, but we should see progress. As Jim Meyer often says, small steps make the distance.
(The Turkey takes it's effect!)
And of course, we're enjoying being able to see Anna and Matt at the drop of a hat. It's really good to have daughters for friends. Thanksgiving was great. Anna's in-laws (Bob and Janie Till), Anna and Matt, and Matt's brother Jonathan all joined us in our one bedroom apartment for Thanksgiving. Great fun to be with ones we love.
More to come.

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