Get ready for the Fast Food Fast!

Some of you have already heard. In a month we'll be beginning the Fast Food Fast. It's a way that anyone can help provide outreach events for Europe. It has the potential to redirect people, prayer and funding toward that end.

It started when I heard that the average American spends 42% of their annual food budget in a restaurant and frequents a fast food place an average of 4 times a week.

We'd like to mobilize 100 teams to share the Gospel with kids through Imagin'Air, but we don't even have the cash to print up the materials. We're wanting to put on music outreaches and dinner theater outreaches on in Europe. And we're wanting to train Europeans in creative ways to minister. All of this takes visits up front to make sure the venues will work. It takes advertising. And often it takes scholarships because our most creative coworkers aren't always our most wealthy.

Please take a couple of minutes to look at the website. Then tell me what you think.
Just click on the brochure above.


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