A banquet for the Scum of the Earth Building Fund
0 Comments Published by Durand on Wednesday, September 27, 2006 at 12:30 PM.

Mike Sares, senior pastor at Scum.
I've mentioned before that I attend two churches here in Denver. Sunday evenings I'm at Anna and Matthew's church. Matt's parents Bob and Janie Till come up from Colorado Springs as well so it's a great time to connect personally.
This weekend a special banquet is being held to try and raise some money for a building the church can call its own. The real estate in Denver is really pricey, but this is a hands on ministry kind of church. To move out of town because it's cheaper would defeat the purpose for which God formed the community in the first place.
I'll be assigned a table where people who have come on their own can sit. I get to help explain what I know of the church informally and just getting to know them a bit. They are expecting 250 people from all over the area, most who do not attend Scum Of The Earth. (Yes that's the church's name.)
Be praying that believers coming will see the importance of bringing Christ to the hurting and overlooked people of Denver. Pray that they'll see the importance of providing finances to the church since most of the people who come are either unemployed or under-employed. The church's regular operating budget is currently only about $6000 a month and $1000 of it is given away to help the poor in Denver. The salaries are not included in that figure because the staff work as volunteers who's pay comes from gifts of friends and family.
Pray for Saturday evening! Thanks.
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