OK, I'm 50 years old (for a couple more months anyway.) I've been a Christian most of those years. I've talked to God nearly every day of my life. I must admit that more often than not, it's been to talk with him about something I need. But I'm learning.
I was reading about what happened when Jesus was tempted in the desert by the Devil. (Matthew 4:5-7) The temptation sounded like "step out in faith" and watch God respond. But in reality, it was really more like "step out in presumption" and manipulate God. And Jesus didn't fall for it.
It's easy to presume on God when you forget who he is. I could go on a rant about "prosperity gospel" preachers, and "name it, claim it" Christianity, but I won't. I've been guilty far too often of trying to "manipulate" God to bless my plans rather than "cooperating" with his plans.
It happens when circumstances rock my world, and I want to fix things myself, instead of trying to recognize God's plan in the midst of my circumstances. It happens when I try to avoid the consequenses of my own irresponsibility and try and force God to bail me out.
And so I listen to my prayers more closely now. "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." That kind of cooperation with God comes AFTER I recognize who it is I'm praying to. He is my heavenly father. His name is to be respected, hallowed. The more aware I am of his greatness and of my weakness, the easier it is to give up manipulating and start cooperating.
- The Arvada Worship Retreat
- Multi-tasking
- Following up on the SCUM Banquet
- Get ready for the Fast Food Fast!
- A banquet for the Scum of the Earth Building Fund
- Home Ministry Welcome in Colorado
- A new home for CreativeWorks
- Reflection: Lamentations and the blues
- Real life: Preparing for the next season
- Relationships: Labor day special

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