We arrived a few hours ago after a flight that took us from Birmingham to Chicago, then Washington and on to Zurich. In Washington, we met up with Bob Till and the three of us flew together. My good buddy Jim Meyer was there to drive us to our place.
After a catnap and a sandwich it was off to a meeting in the GEM office, Muellheim. We had a great time of catching up with all the Europe Wide ministry leaders, sharing stories, concerns and praying for our work together. (I prayed with my eyes OPEN, since jet lag is setting in.)
Anyway, we'll be here for a few days. Pray for discussions about the coming year, defining new projects, roles and the like.
By the way, I thought you'd like to see the latest video produced for GEM's EuroTeam. I've included it above.

Nice video you got there Durand, to notch - good job to your staff.
Glad you got out of Colorado safely (though I'll miss ya man). We're still socked in pretty good.