(Our home away from home... the 2000 Honda Accord has been so good for us. Hard to believe we'll be selling it in 2 months!)
This week we took some time to visit friends/partners up in Decatur, AL. While there we spoke with a couple really feeling the call to Europe. How exciting. It's not a straight-forward process, but we've helped get them together with some of our GEM colleagues to look into opportunities that they might be suited for.
Today we visited with some friends who've been supporting us for years. We're blessed to have people committed to the Lord and to us that help keep us somewhat "rooted". Also got to stop by and say hi to my parents and help with some light chores.
In the morning we're off to Atlanta for lunch with more partners, then on to Columbia SC to visit my dear friends David and Andrea Wegener. We've got some real computer issues we'll take care of there as a side benefit (Dave has a great computer repair company called Wegener Media.)
Then Saturday and Sunday it's on to Charlotte NC to visit a new church for us that has some really talented musicians interested in helping with outreach concerts in Europe through CreativeWorks.
Monday, we'll head up to Durham, NC to visit a former coworker from GEM and her husband. Tuesday, it's back through Columbia to pick up our computers and retrace our steps back to Birmingham on Wedensday.
I can almost hear Willy Nelson in my mind singing "On The Road Again."
Keep us in your prayers. We've got to complete our support before our return tickets expire on April 18th.

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