I've never really understood economics. I freeze with numbers. The main part of it that I do grasp is that God's in control and I'm not.
I received word from a church that has been supporting us for over 10 years that because they want to send everyone in their church on a short term experience in the coming years, they've decided to no longer provide support for our salary (or any other of their missionaries.)
Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. This trend in churches today has begun to erode our financial base for ministry and others like us.
I'm not against short-term missions trips, but I believe there needs to be a balance between having short term teams as well as missionaries "imbedded" in the culture. Without that balance, short-term efforts become shots in the dark rather than strategic.
I cannot change that trend. But Ruth and I will need to begin to change the way we're supported. Half of our financial support comes from churches. The other half comes from a small team of partners. We have been privileged to work in Europe these past 24 years because these churches and individuals see the need in Europe and want to be part of reaching people and multiplying churches there. They've chosen to do this through partnership with us.
Our call is still as firm as the day we left in 1984. I'd appreciate your prayers for the following:
For perserverance. Nothing is more discouraging than seeing real need overlooked or ignored. We believe God wants a witnessing fellowship within reach of every person in Europe. May God help us to perservere.
For divine intervention. Our need is far bigger than Ruth and I can "work out." We're asking God for something only he can do. May God give our partners promptings about introducing the ministry of CreativeWorks to those God might have join our support team.
For provision. God's call never comes with out the provision necessary to respond to the call. We believe God is still asking us to invest our lives on behalf of the people of Europe. Let's trust him for the means to do that together.
For blessing on the church. We don't understand or even agree with what seems to be an unbalanced emphasis on short term teams. But what is important is that God be glorified through what he empowers. If he chooses to use something that seems foolish to me to show his wisdom, it wouldn't be the first time. Receive honor God, no matter what.
Keep us in your prayers.

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