For many people home is a place. For me lately, it feels more like a concept.
As we get ready to move from Denver to Birmingham, it gets tougher to feel like we're really at rest. Our apartment has been great here. We've had all our kids in and out of it the past six months. But our kids are all headed back into their lives as students. Our "home" used to be where they were.
My parents and two of my siblings live in Birmingham. We arrive there on Monday to stay in a guest apartment for six months. We used to call Birmingham "home" too and will be again for the next little while.
But the following weekend we'll actually be in Germany in the house we own, sleeping in our very own beds for several days during leadership meetings. That's "home" as well. We've actually pared down the requirements necessary to call a place "home". Now it's knowing where the light switches are in the dark. (Just kidding.)
It's not like we're unfamiliar with moving. I wouldn't even want to know how many places we've lived in the past. But the reassuring part is that I know what my final destination will be. So I try to remind myself that I do have a home, and it's waiting for me.
I wrote this song three weeks after moving to Ireland. It reminds me that I need to live fully where I am for the time God gives me, knowing that one day, there'll be no more boxes to pack, no more new addresses to remember or goodbye's to be said.
One day I'll be home.

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