Tour journal, part 1(Phonetically that's how you say "hello" in Polish.) That's because we arrived last night in Poland with Carton Jaune after two days of travel. Krzysztov (call him Chris) and Mariola Zareba are our hosts for the next week. "Chris" is the pastor of a growing church in Warsaw, and his wife Mariola is the director for the "Wheels to the World" program for Poland.
This morning (yes, you read "morning") Chris had arranged our our first concert. His church here in Warsaw uses an auditorium 7 days a week that's on a technical college campus. Today we had the chance to play to the entire student body (about 200 18-20 year old guys working toward their certification in to be auto and truck mechanics.) The translator said they were unusually attentive and enjoyed the program. For us it was a chance to honor the Lord and advance the relationship this church has with the school.
Elsewhere in the building wheel chair distribution had already begun as families came to receive their chair, have a doctor determine the best adjustment, and have a wheel chair mechanic do the fitting. The final step in receiving the chair was a chance to sit down with a counselor and be given prayer, a Bible and an opportunity to hear the Gospel.
Tomorrow, both the wheelchair and the music teams head north to the city where I brought the Verna Law Band two years ago. The work continues with a small church plant. We'll be in a new venue, but as I met with the pastor today, the same enthusiasm as last time was already evident.
We've been going non-stop since last Wednesday between rehearsals and travel. Today we actually had the afternoon to rest and won't leave until noon tomorrow. Pray for God to work.

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