Here is the "Wheels" team fitting a new chair for a young Polish girl.
Tour journal, part 4. Friday was a huge day. We had an almost 4 hour drive over some pretty dangerous stretches of worn-out, narrow, two-lane highway to a town in the north of Poland. There Joni and Friends had been distributing wheelchairs for two days, the biggest in the history of their Polish ministry. Unfortunately the church had little experience in doing public outreach and did little to publicize the concert that followed the distribution.
About half the crowd came from a center for disabled young adults and youth who'd received wheelchairs the day before. The center had never heard of the church but found out about the wheelchair distribution.As I sat down with the young people after the concert I began talking to one of the assistants accompanying the group. I thanked him for his service acknowledging the labor of love he we was giving for this special group of people. I began to discuss with him about God's love and about what he'd heard during the concert. At one point I told him I'd pray for him and he asked me to pray for those he cared for as well. There was a great connection through the use of my translator with him. I believe God will draw him back to this group. He was impressed by their service, their friendliness and about their faith.
We ended our time by grabbing a quick sandwich with the pastor and the translators before making another 4 hour drive back to Warsaw. We hit the pillow around midnight tired but glad for the day.

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