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iPhone Intercession

First of all, no, I didn't pray for an iPhone. (Tempted? Yes.) I may be an Apple addict, but I've still got some self restraint.

The functionality of phones continue to merge with other gadgets for surfing the web, listening to music, watching videos and even making phone calls.

Here's another one. SMS (or short message service) for sending text messages from phone to phone has been around for a while. But one church I know actually has harnessed the little feature in a simple but highly effective way.

Have a prayer coordinator from your group send out one text message or SMS per day as a prayer reminder to other group members sometime in the morning. Receiving the message does several things.

  • It reminds you that you're part of a community, even if you're not physically together.
  • It helps you keep in touch with each other's needs and concerns.
  • It brings everyone together around at the feet of our Father.
  • It helps you depend on God for the needs of others.

And all for the price of a text message.

Small groups, accountability partners, youth groups and even entire congregations (small ones anyway) often feel the disruption of summer. This little idea could not only help your community during the summer months, but during the hustle and bustle of your lives all year long.

Thanks to the folks at the Journey in Blackrock, County Dublin, Ireland for demonstrating this to me.




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