What a busy time. We're in an airport (surprise, surprise!) but at least there's free internet and a chance to catch up.
We have had the chance to connect with so many friends and partners along the way. Due to a flight cancellation last week, we were "stranded" overnight and ended up at friends homes for an unplanned but welcome visit in Atlanta.
With the help of Ken Kipp (in the picture with me) and Donna his wife, we had a chance last Saturday to connect with many of our friends at a drop by reception in Harrisburg. (Here's a link to his music and website.)
Sunday was at the church where Ruth and I were married. They gave us a chance to report for almost an hour on Sunday between services and many folks were able to finally understand CreativeWorks better.
Lunch was with old friends and their now grown up kids. They told us that my music was still with them after all these years. One son, who was 5 or 6 when we knew him last, is now a policeman and sings one of my songs in his patrol car on duty. That forced me to bring a nearly 30 year old recording on an LP (a big round piece of plastic with grooves and a hole in the middle for you younger readers) up to date. You can now download the whole album at www.gemcreativeworks.org/damascus/.
Then during the week we caught up with folks I'd known in high school and even a coworker from Ireland now in PA.The highlight was driving to Manhattan to be with Emilie. It was short but sweet.
Then we had a missions conference throughout the weekend back in Harrisburg.
We ended last night with time at Ken and Donna Kipp's place. Along with them as well as Donna's mom, Ruth and I got to worship the Lord for an hour or so until time to pack our bags and hit the hay.
Pray for stamina, for the goodbye's that inevitably follow the warm "hello's" of so many. We're truly blessed to have such wonderful friends and partners around the country.
Gotta catch the plane. More later.